config file

Create a config file in your ~/.ssh folder that will manage your accounts.

  Host personal
  User git
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_personal

  Host work
  User git
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_work

When cloning a new repo then you only have to specify hostname to your Git account. Example:

  git clone git@personal:yusbk/nama_rep.git
  git clone git@work:ybkamaleri/nama_rep.git

When your repo has submodule to be able to push changes to remote, I have to change this url

  url =

to a new url with reference to SSH-key

  url = git@personal:yusbk/

in the config files in these folder:

gitconfig file

This is another setting when using multiple git accounts without needing to change hostname. After cloning repo inside a folder eg. ~/ then you can edit config file called ~/.gitconfig in HOME dir.

      name = Your Name
      email =

  [includeIf "gitdir:~/Git-work/"]
      path = .gitconfig-work

Then create a file named .gitconfig-work with

      name = Your Name
      email =

      sshCommand = ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_work

Here -i is identifying file. This setting makes all repositories under ~/Git-work folder to use work credentials automatically without needing to change hostname when cloning a repo.

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