Updated: 2023-06-09

Things that I find it useful during my work:

Debuging warnings

Sometimes it’s nice to know where in the code that generate warnings especially when it’s related to NA introduced by coercion. To do this we can change the options to make warning as error.

options(warn = 2)


Though I don’t use RStudio as my main IDE, it’s good to know that RStudio has many RStudio specific commands that starts with .rs.* such as:


Package ..\inst folder

Folder inst can be used to save data for testthat or as example when creating an R package. It’s easier to save it as RDS format with:

saveRDS(objName, file.path(system.file(package = "pkgName"), "folder/data.rds"))

folder is the folder inside inst folder in R package folder structure. To access the data then:

obj <- readRDS(system.file("folder", "data.rds", package = "pkgName"))

withr package

Good to have this package to isolate options eg. withr::local_options().

Evaluate string

When you need to evaluate string or text command, you could use:

txt <- "5 + 5"
tot <- eval(str2lang(txt))

## or
tot <- eval(paste(text = txt))

Show all functions in a package

The easiest way to show all functions in a package is using:


This approach require that you have to load the package first. An alternative to do it without loading the package is by specifying envir:

ls("package:norgeo", envir = loadNamespace("norgeo"))
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