
Updated: 2022-04-12 Several nice blogs and references on the net to read on this stuff. Among those: Environments in R How R Searches and Finds Stuff This discussion from StackOverflow and here explains nicely with example on the difference between parent.

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MS Access Shutdown

How to shutdown all running Access when you need to do some changes. This is just a summary from Microsoft Docs. The steps are: Create empty text file This file will be the key. Name the file to anything like checkfile.

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Merge Selected File

Updated: 24.02.2023 This guide is generally from StackOverflow on how to selectively merge files form one branch to another. Basically it’s: git checkout main git merge --no-ff --no-commit dev Where dev is the branch you want to merge from into the current branch ie.

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names attribute

Sometime an object has attribute names for identification of the value with names instead of index. There are time you need to extract the names of a vector or object. The easiest way is to do: library(data.table) dt <- cars[1,] setDT(dt) str(dt) dt[, dist := as.

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Clean attributes

When reading data from SPSS or Stata into R, the metadata will also be inherited to the dataset. Sometimes it can be useful for extra information, but most of the time it’s not needed. To get rid of these metadata then do this:

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